Privacy Policy


I. Preamble

This Privacy Agreement describes how Pic2PDF (“we” or “us” or “the Application”) collects, uses, stores, shares and protects your personal information. We respect and protect the privacy of our users and will treat your personal information as described in this Privacy Agreement. Please read this Privacy Agreement carefully before using the Application and make your choices with full understanding.


II. Information Collection

When you use the Application, we may collect the following information about you:

Device information: including device model, operating system version, device identifier (e.g. IMEI, MAC address, etc., but we will desensitize it), etc.

Usage information: including the time you use the Application, frequency, feature preferences, etc.

Image information: When you use the app to produce PDFs, we process the image files you provide, but we do not collect the specific content of the images unless you explicitly authorize us to do so.


Ⅲ. Use of Information

We use the collected information mainly for the following purposes:

To improve the functionality and performance of this application.

To provide you with a personalized service experience.

To analyze and study user habits in order to optimize our products and services.

We will not use your personal information for other purposes unrelated to the above purposes.


Ⅳ .Information Storage and Sharing

We will store your personal information within our territory in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.

We will not share your personal information with any third party unless:

You explicitly agree to our sharing.

The third party provides services to us with which we have signed a strict data confidentiality agreement and ensures that it handles your personal information in accordance with our requirements.

We are required to share it by laws and regulations.


V. Information Security

We will take reasonable physical, electronic and managerial measures to safeguard the security of your personal information.

In the event of a leakage of personal information, we will take remedial measures in a timely manner and report to the relevant organizations.


VI. Changes and Notifications

We may revise this Privacy Agreement in response to changes in laws and regulations or business development.

When we make significant revisions to the Privacy Agreement, we will notify you through this application or other appropriate means.


VIII. Contact Information

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this Privacy Agreement, please contact us by the following means

Email: [email protected]